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Pregnancy can be a very exciting time, but it is also a time when many new moms-to-be have a lot of questions about what to expect. Of course, every woman’s pregnancy is different and there are no guarantees that your experience will mirror that of some other woman you know.

However, we have compiled some helpful tips from our own experiences as well as the experiences of other mothers who have been through this before so you can get an idea for what might happen during your pregnancy and feel more prepared for life with baby!

here are 8 tips for first-time mothers that will absolutely be helpful during those nine months.

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Tip #1: How to deal with back pain during pregnancy

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Back pain is common during pregnancy. From the start, you may feel a twinge in your lower spine or an ache across the small of your back as you get out of bed to how much more painful and frequent this can become when rounding into later months. Luckily there are many things that mothers throughout history have found helpful! Below is some advice on how one might relieve their symptoms while pregnant:

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Tip#2: how to deal with nausea during pregnancy

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It’s not uncommon for pregnant mothers to experience some queasiness or dizziness, especially in the first trimester. While this is an uncomfortable symptom of pregnancy it can also be handled quite easily by:

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Tip#3: how to deal with nausea during pregnancy

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This is one symptom of many related to hormonal changes in pregnancy that has mothers feeling out of control sometimes. There’s no ‘surefire’ way to forecast how your own hormones will fluctuate but there are certain things you can do when symptoms become too much for you such as exercise and getting enough sleep! This leads us to our next tip!

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Tip #4: how to get more sleep during pregnancy

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Some mothers will find that they can’t sleep through the night once pregnant, even if this was how they slept before. The best thing to do here is try and get as much rest during the day as you can by taking naps or stretching out in bed for a few minutes so your body knows it’s time to sleep when nighttime comes around.

This also means getting enough exercise throughout each day using walking or yoga stretches (especially because these exercises promote blood circulation) which helps with mood swings while pregnant!

Even though getting sleep during pregnancy can be difficult, it is important to make sure you’re getting at least six hours of sleep a night.

Prenatal exercise classes are also great for pregnant mothers and can provide some much-needed support from friends who know how challenging pregnancy can be!

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Tip #5: Create a Birth Plan

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Create a Birth Plan. This means that you will be able to have some say in how your baby is born and how the labor/delivery process goes, which can help with anxiety during this time. You may want to include such things as whether or not you would like an epidural when it comes time for delivery, how much pain medication you’re comfortable taking beforehand, and what type of birth control method you plan on using afterward (such as breastfeeding).

The best thing about creating an extensive but achievable birth plan is that it helps new mothers know exactly what they want for their child’s arrival into the world! And guess who benefits from all those detailed plans? The father too because he’ll be fully informed

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Tip #6: exercise will help alleviate uncomfortable feelings

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It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy and many women find that exercise provides the best relief for fatigue, back pain, and swollen ankles!

For those who are unable-to-move or just need some time to themselves, this is an excellent way to get out of the house without feeling like you’re neglecting your pregnant self.

To feel even better about exercising while pregnant: be sure not to overdo it! Listen closely to how your body feels after working out each day and if anything comes up (such as heartburn) stop immediately so you don’t do more harm than good in these early stages of labor.

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Tip #7: Foods To Eat

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Many women find that how they feel while pregnant is largely influenced by what they eat. Some of the most important foods to have during pregnancy are those containing folates, such as black beans and avocado.

Some other great sources for healthy fats include avocados (again), olive oil, nuts, seeds like pumpkin or sunflower seeds which can help with constipation problems; a few examples of protein-rich foods would be eggs and poultry if you choose not to go vegetarian/vegan; a couple more highly recommended vegetables are spinach and broccoli!

It’s important to note here that there isn’t any one “perfect” food because everyone has different tastes- but these items will provide some nutrients your body needs while pregnant.

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Tip #8: Yoga for Pregnant Women

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Yoga is a great way to keep in touch with your body and how it’s feeling during pregnancy. It can provide relief for back pain, which may come as an unpleasant surprise since this really never goes away! If you don’t want to try yoga exercises at home, find a prenatal class that offers these kinds of relaxing routines. This could also be helpful if you’re looking for some social support from other mothers going through the same thing- many times after childbirth people feel isolated or alone so it’s nice to have others who understand what they’re experiencing and how hard parenting can get sometimes!

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Bonus Tip: Get help through Telemedicine

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Many pregnant women find that one way to get help with their prenatal issues is through telemedicine.

This may not be for everyone, but communicating about how you’re feeling in a personal and sensitive manner with someone who understands the challenges of pregnancy could go a long way! This can also be helpful if your OBGYN isn’t set up near where you live or work- this gives them an opportunity to still stay involved in your care which will make it much easier when they do come into town.

It’s hard to find the right doctor when you live in a rural area. 

If your child has an ear infection, you want it treated immediately. You don’t have time for long drives or waiting rooms. The same goes for other common ailments like strep throat and bronchitis. With HelpToMoms Telemedicine, we bring medical expertise into your home so that you can get treatment faster and with less hassle than going to the doctor’s office or urgent care clinic.

Learn More by filling out a quick intake form

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