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Everyone knows a balanced diet full of fresh fruit and vegetables helps to keep you healthy especially when you are creating a new life! 

But how do you and your growing baby’s nutritional requirements change during the third trimester and how do bananas fit in? 

Join us to find out more. 

First, we will hit the brief before we find out how this superfood can support you and your baby’s health during pregnancy. 

Bananas provide calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B6 and C along with fiber and carbohydrates that can help support mother mothers-to-be in the third trimester of pregnancy. Bananas can help reduce uncomfortable constipation in later pregnancy and supports the building of healthy cells.

Ok with the short answer in mind, so you can more easily understand how bananas can be an important source of nutrients during the third trimester, let’s find out why. 

Why are bananas a healthy option? 

In the same ways eggs are seen as one of the most healthy and convenient ways to get a powerbomb of good stuff, bananas follow closely behind.

A banana is almost the perfect ‘takeaway’ food that comes with its own natural wrapper! 

Bananas are a good source of vital nutrients which help support you in all stages of pregnancy, including the third trimester.

So what is happening to your body during the third trimester? Let’s find out a little more 

“Bananas are a good source of vital nutrients which

help support you in all stages of pregnancy,”

What happens during the third trimester? 

During this later stage of pregnancy, your body needs to support a growing baby who is still developing, as her hair and nails grow, and eyes open. She will also be gaining weight fast. 

So healthy food choices are crucial to ensure you have the right kind of nutrition-rich energy to help your baby’s development. 

A banana is a perfect portable nutritional dense snack to stave off hunger pangs and to include as part of your meal plans. 

So for anyone wondering how bananas fit in with the requirements of the third trimester, it’s important to make sure fruit and vegetables become the building blocks of your daily calorie intake. 

Along with other important foods such as healthy fats and oils, protein, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. 

“A banana is a perfect portable

 nutritional dense snack to stave off hunger pangs” 

Why might I crave bananas in the third trimester? 

Cravings are a normal part of pregnancy and can sometimes be a sign of your body being depleted of some important nutrients.

Usually, cravings associated with pregnancy hormones tend to stop completely in the third trimester, but another reason you might be experiencing cravings is it could be an indication of dehydration or your blood sugar is low. 

Bananas provide potassium during the third trimester 

A banana is an important source of potassium and during the third trimester, it’s important to maintain body fluids along with electrolytes to keep the cells working properly.

Bananas are a good source of this important mineral, so this could be your body’s way of upping your potassium intake. 

Potassium is found in a wide variety of foods, but bananas are one of the richest sources, along with spinach and broccoli. 

“Another reason you might be experiencing cravings is it could

be an indication of dehydration or your blood sugar is low.” 

Why should I eat bananas in the third trimester? 

As we’ve seen, bananas are a rich source of many vitamins and minerals along with other nutrients which can help to give your body a boost of energy at this tiring time. 

During the third trimester, your baby bump becomes larger, and as new life develops you may feel fatigued more easily, so the power supply of a tasty banana could help to perk you up while also being a healthy option. 

“Bananas are a rich source of many vitamins and minerals along with other

nutrients which can help to give your body a boost of energy at this tiring time.”

Bananas in the third-trimester help constipation 

Bananas not only contain vitamin B6, but they’re also a good source of vitamin C and fiber.

Constipation, although not serious, can be painful and during the third trimester, your digestive system needs a little extra help.

Constipation in the third trimester can be caused by a low fiber diet along with: 

By adding a banana to your morning cereal, in a delicious smoothie, or straight from the wrapper! You can enjoy this power-packed fiber boost to help combat constipation. 

Which nutrients in bananas support the third trimester? 

It’s not surprising to discover that bananas are the most commonly eaten fresh fruit during pregnancy according to some research. They top the charts by a massive 95% of those surveyed. 

Packed with essential nutrients they are an affordable and convenient way to increase many valuable nutrients during pregnancy and especially during the third trimester. 

“bananas are the most commonly eaten

fresh fruit during pregnancy”

Can I eat bananas in the third trimester if I have gestational diabetes? 

Although as we’ve seen bananas are full of top nutrients, it’s important to understand they do contain quite a lot of carbohydrates as we saw earlier. 

Carbohydrates can raise blood sugar and if you have diabetes or gestational diabetes ( diabetes brought on by pregnancy) it’s important to understand that as bananas contain carbs, they can affect your blood sugar management.

Make sure you consult a dietician before eating bananas during pregnancy if you have allergies or diabetes.

And to finish on…

So we hope that’s helped you understand how the humble banana can help support good nutrition fit both you and your baby during the third trimester! 

Here at helptomoms we offer home-based clinical relief for a safer and more comfortable pregnancy in the third trimester and after delivery. 

Check out our store for more information.


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