Moms-to-be with back pain during pregnancy often wonder how to deal with the discomfort. How can you manage your pain and still have a healthy pregnancy? How do you know if it’s safe to take medication? How can you get relief from those aches and pains without risking your baby’s health or harming the development of your unborn child?

The following is a guide for moms-to-be who are looking for answers on how to deal with back pain during pregnancy.

What are the common causes of back pain during pregnancy

The common causes of back pain during pregnancy are:

weight gain

the added hormones and muscle tissue can put pressure on your lower back during pregnancy


lack of exercise, a change in diet or an increase in stress may lead to this condition that puts strain on your low back muscles.

poor posture

sitting too long or sleeping in an awkward position;

a new activity schedule

activities such as yoga, pilates, and running may worsen back pain.

carpal tunnel

The best way to deal with carpal tunnel during pregnancy is by having a comfortable ergonomic workstation, wearing wrist support, and avoiding repetitive movements.

What can you do to help relieve your back pain?

try to stay active

Walking is a great way to maintain your back health.

If you have more severe pain, consult with your doctor and ask about possible treatments for relief. There are some medications that may be safe in pregnancy such as Tylenol or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Be sure to talk to your physician first before taking any medication.

find the best position

find a position that feels best for your back and is most comfortable

This can be sitting, standing, or laying down.

seek help if pain persists

pain relief may not work in the long-term, which means you need to find other ways of dealing with it such as chiropractic care.

find relief in other ways

stress reduction activities such as yoga, tai chi, or deep breathing may help you deal with your back pain.

reading a book that is at an appropriate reading level can also provide some relief to those who are pregnant and have lower back pains.

take time for yourself each day to stop working whether it be lying down, listening to music, or doing something soothing like taking a warm bath.

How to deal with a sore lower back 

You can use the following tips to help you deal with a sore lower back during pregnancy:

  • Get in touch with Help To Moms about how to manage pain relief – we have many different ways to relieve pregnancy pain
  • Wearing support for your joints, such as wrist braces or knee wraps might be helpful since they take some of the pressure from your body’s weight off those areas.
  • Getting enough rest is important too; make sure that you’re taking at least two-three hours per day away from work or tasks where there’s lots of time spent sitting down.
  • You may also want to try out different positions when working on desk duties so that it doesn’t cause more strain on one side than another (i.e., switching sides every 30 minutes, and taking periodic breaks can be very beneficial)

Tips for dealing with upper-back pain and neck pain

The best way to manage these pains is through massage, chiropractic care, and keeping an eye on your posture.

In order for you to relieve your upper back pain, the following steps are recommended:

  • Stretch

you should stretch out for at least a few minutes each day.

  • Massage

some people find relief through massage; it can help to release the tension in your muscles.

  • Chiropractic care

it’s important to stay in contact with your chiropractor when dealing with back pain during pregnancy, as they may be able to

  • Telemedicine care

you may be able to consult with a doctor over the internet, which can help you find relief for many common and uncommon pregnancy pains

How to tell if it’s time to see a doctor about your back pain 

If you’re noticing any of the following symptoms, it might be time to see a doctor:

  • Numbness or tingling in your leg(s)
  • You have difficulty urinating or experiencing pain when urinating.
  • Backache that is worse than usual and lasts for more than 24 hours.

The dangers of ignoring your backache and how it could affect the baby or yourself (if pregnant)

It is dangerous to ignore your back pain during pregnancy. If you don’t take care of your back then it can lead to complications such as preterm labor or high blood pressure. The Mayo Clinic states, “In the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman’s uterus expands to make room for her baby. As it grows larger and heavier, the increased weight can put more pressure on your back.”

It is important that if you notice any signs from this list (or have been experiencing them prior) then please consult with your physician as soon as possible!

Do not worry about treating just one symptom at a time; take care of all symptoms simultaneously in order to get relief. This may include visits to professionals such as chiropractors or physical therapists who are trained in prenatal care.

Next Step

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, but it also comes with its own set of pains. You’re tired of dealing with the pain and discomfort that comes along with pregnancy.

With Help To Moms, you can get in touch with one of our experts who will be able to help you deal with your pregnancy pain through a simple video chat session. Our expert will give you advice on how to manage your pain and provide other helpful tips for getting through this special time in your life. We also offer a complete Pregnancy Kit that comes with many items to help you deal with your pregnancy pain.

We offer HIPAA-compliant telemedicine services so that pregnant women can get the medical care they need without having to leave their homes or offices. Get in touch today!